Basalt Rock Dust
Basalt Rock Dust is made of the volcanic rock called basalt and is specifically used in the cultivation process of the Medicinal Mushroom – Cordyceps Militaris.
Basalt Rock is an excellent source for calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, silicon, cobalt, zinc, boron, and Aluminium.
Bran Flour
Wheat bran flour is commonly used as an ingredient in substrates of wood-loving mushroom species. It is very nutritious and needs to be sterilised when added to fruiting blocks.
Generally bran is added as 30% of the total fruiting block.
Brown Rice Flour
The product of powdering brown rice is a popular substrate for growing mushrooms. Its use as a substrate was made popular by the use of cake spawns in the PF Tek method of growing. It is most often powdered into a flour and combined with vermiculite.
Coco Coir
Coir is a commercially available mix of ground up coconut husk and shells. Coir is one of the best bulk mediums to grow mushrooms in. It’s naturally resistant to mold and bacteria and mushrooms absolutely love it. When wet it expands to over 2.5 cubic feet.
Powdered gypsum is used to increase the pH in mushroom growing substrates such as coco choir, sawdust, coffee grounds and straw. It is a yield enhancer as it supplies minerals and trace elements to the mycelium.
It is also used when preparing grain spawn to stop the grain from clumping together.
Gypsum should be mixed at a rate of 2.5% of the dry weight of the bulk substrate and 1 tablespoon per litre of grain spawn.
Hardwood Sawdust
Oak sawdust is an ideal choice for mushroom cultivation. Made from oak, this sawdust provides the perfect substrate for growing wood loving mushrooms.
Horse Manure
Horse manure is an excellent substrate that can be used simply as an added nutrient to straw, grain and other substrate mixtures. Dried and crumbled for your convenience.
Hydrated Lime
Cold Water Lime Pasteurization, is a cheap and effective low-tech way to prepare substrates for growing mushrooms.
This type of substrate treatment is easy for most people to do at home.
It’s even used by some small-scale commercial mushroom growing operations that want a low-tech, cheap and effective way to pasteurize straw.
The overall process is very similar to growing mushrooms on straw with heat pasteurization, the only difference is to replace heat with lime.
This process is mainly used to treat straw for growing Oyster mushrooms.
Use 20 grams of hydrated lime per 10 liter s of water.
Simply add the appropriate amount of lime to cold water, mix and add your straw. Leave the straw to soak for 24 hours and it is ready to be drained and inoculated.
Used for creating and maintaining humidity in growing chambers.
Popcorn is used for grain spawn, easy to prepare and good grain to begin with.
Rye Grain is one of the most popular materials for growing mycelium before inoculation to bulk substrate. Most commonly used for making grain spawn.
Soy Hulls
Soy Hull are a key ingredient in the masters mix substrate pioneered by TR Davis of Earth Angel Mushrooms. Masters mix substrate colonises fast and has high yields, it encourages a larger than average first flush allowing for quick turnover. Masters mix is heavily supplemented and will require sterilisation.
Sphagnum Peat Moss
Uncover the secrets of sphagnum peat moss and its role in cultivating bountiful mushrooms. Sphagnum peat moss is a fantastic addition to your grow, providing excellent moisture retention and nutrient absorption.
Our special peat moss mix consists of a mix of responsibly sourced, screened European Blond Sphagnum Peat (0-6mm, 80%), Perlite (1-3mm, 20%), N-P-K + Trace Element Primer (550g/m³, E.C. 1.o – 2.5), Calcitic and Dolomitic Lime and a Wetting Agent.
The pH level of the substrate has been adjusted to between 5.1 and 6.0.
A very popular add-on item for any Kits/Jars/Spawn Bags & bulk casing grows! Use during fruiting stage to help cakes absorb additional moisture